House System

The aim of the house system is to give children more opportunities to show how they can use our Kensington DREAMS whilst also instilling a strong belief in teamwork. Through healthy competition, pupils will gain the feeling of responsibility and camaraderie that comes with being part of a team.

At Kensington International School every child and staff member becomes a member of one of the following four houses.
Earth – Yellow
Water – Blue
Air – Green
Fire – Red
Siblings and family members are placed in the same houses.

Two house competitions are held every half term throughout the school year; one academic and one sporting. These competitions give the students the opportunity to win house points. These points are totalled at the end of the school year and the house with the most points at the end of the year will win the overall house competition.

House points will be issued when a child gets a dojo point (Dojo points will be awarded for the Values only). They will add a counter to their house team as well which means they will be individually rewarded as well as helping their team. House points will also be rewarded for House Competitions as well. House points will also be added for children who complete the different levels of the Kensington Passport.
Every Friday and during House Events, students wear a coloured t-shirt to represent their house.

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