Our Preschool at Kensington International School consists of 2 year groups: the Pre-Toddler Class for 18 Months-2 Years old and the Toddler Class for 2-3 Years Old.

Our curriculum for this class is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from the UK. It has a great emphasis on parent partnership and is based on four themes and principles. Children are recognised as individuals and competent learners.
At Kensington, our Early Years curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage framework of England. The curriculum is facilitated through our thematic topics and child-led learning experiences, introducing children to a stimulating and engaging school life; where they begin their journey to become happy life-long learners in an approach that develops learning through play.

The framework develops concepts, skills, learning strategies and positive attitudes across the intellectual, social and physical areas of learning. The Early Years takes into account the four main principles of the Early Years curriculum, focusing on the child as a unique individual; the positive facilitation of learning through the enabling environment and learning spaces; the development of positive relationships and embracing the different styles and pace of learning and development for all children.
The Early Years curriculum consists of the following seven areas with seventeen underpinning aspects:

For Pre Toddler-Toddler, we focus on:
• Physical Development(Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills).
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships).
• Communication and Language(Listening, Attention and Understanding and Speaking).

In the Early Years, the curriculum considers each individual child’s needs; ensuring that children are making continuous progress whilst maintaining confidence and a can-do attitude.