Parents WorkShop 2022 : Doctor

It was lovely to have the opportunity to welcome a team of doctors from โรงพยาบาลศรีสวรรค์-Srisawan Hospital l to talk to our parents about childhood diseases. ? Dr. Chompoo, Sivatchaya Singvichan shared some expertise about what symptoms to look out for with specific illnesses such as RSV and Hand, Foot and Mouth. Dr. Ann, Sudarat Supanittayanon,…

Diwali Day 2022

We had a wonderful welcome back from the half-term break as we celebrated Diwali! The children looked spectacular in their traditional Indian or colourful outfits and we loved parading around the track to Indian music as we celebrated together. The children walked and danced in complete confidence – it is hard to believe they are…

Songkran Activity Day 2022

Today we celebrated Songkran, Kensington style and what an amazing time we had. I already knew I was in for a “splashing” time because many of our older students said how much they were looking forward to “getting Mrs. Petch!!!”. Two hours and many water fun sessions later, I and everyone else were thoroughly soaked!!…

International Children 2022

We were really impressed with all of the wonderful costumes and the delicious food that the children bought in to share with their friends at school today. It was so much fun and the children impressed us with their confident dancing around the track and happy smiles.The staff have provided some fantastic learning opportunities in…

Sports Day 2022

It has been so nice last week to be able to share our Sports Day with our parents. Children had many days of practicing games in their PE lessons for the past week and all are excited for Sports Day. The day was filled with some good competition, lots of laughter, impressive feats of athleticism,…

World Planting Day 2022

Happy World Planting Day! We celebrated “#plantingday ” each class planted seeds into their year groups planter. The children had so much fun planting a mixture of flowers, fruits and vegetables which they will help to grow over the coming months and hopefully will be able to eat their produce! It was lovely to see…