Happy Chinese New Year or Gong Xi Fa Cai!
We had a different but equally spectacular Chinese New Year Activity Day this year!
Unfortunately, as we cannot currently have parents or visitors in school during the day, so we were unable to invite our annual dragon and fan dancers into school. Instead, our older students, in Reception and Year 1, decided to create their own dragon and performed a special “Kensington Dragon Dance” for our Toddler and Nursery children.
Everyone was sooooo excited at the thought! Of course, we needed to think about our protocols and social distancing so the Kensington Dragon performed to each year group separately with classes suitably distanced from each other.
The whole event was absolutely delightful with every child in Reception and Year 1 having the chance to perform and every child in Nursery and Toddlers enjoying the entertainment. What a fabulous day!